Monday, August 31, 2009

The End.

Summer is quickly coming to a close and though I am sad, I'm thrilled for my second year at UFV to begin. I'm quite nervous, to be honest, but I'm ready to get back into the swing of things and surprisingly excited to be going back to school and for the hussle of it all. I like being busy and being forced to plan my schedule. This whole doing nothing thing is not working out for me.

God is so faithful. It's the most wonderful thing when He comforts His people. There's nothing like it and no words beautiful enough to describe it. Crying in His arms is where I feel most at peace. He listens with such patience and understanding, I feel as if I have no right even being loved in that way. Of course through Christ I do, which astounds me every time I am reminded of it. I love Truth and I love God and what he's revealing to me. I love the challenges that I'm faced with and how through the strength and power of God, I can stand up to the enemy and glorify the Name of Jesus Christ.

I'm praying for this to be a good year. I want His words to be mine, for His heart to influence mine, for his mind to counsel my own. I am not my own, I was not created to live for myself but to die each day for the cause of Christ - to put my own desires aside to live for the one who died for me. His plan is so much better than anything I could ever come up with; He orchestrates with such perfection so that everything is in tune. Each instrument, each voice, each trial, each circumstance, each day is planned in such a way that everything compliments one another; everything is in synch and had harmony. Even the tribulations have meaning and beauty behind them. I love that.

1 comment:

Solid Rock or Sinking Sand said...

really enjoyed reading your blog, but no updates. God bless, Lloyd